In December I came across an offer to get the new book Your New Money Mindset: Create a Healthy Relationship with Money for $5. Since I am a lover of books, and that was a significant discount, I ordered it. Co-authored by Brad Hewitt and James Moline and published by Tyndale House, I read it the last week of January and it offers a lot of good thoughts.

An added bonus of the book is a free New Money Mindset Assessment you can take to enhance your reading. Below are some pithy quotations for your consideration. If these samples whet your appetite I think you would enjoy and benefit from the book.

Consumerism is our desire to acquire more for ourselves when we already have enough” (p. 12).

“When it comes to dealing with money, we believe that a completely carefree or reckless attitude is unwise. Kept in proper perspective, a desire for financial security can be healthy and normal” (p. 58).

“Young kids live in the present, and being there for them is crucial if we are to develop meaningful attachments with them” (p. 68).

“We live in a culture that exaggerates our need for security and safety” (p. 71).

“. . . some put away every last penny until their frugality sucks the joy from their life” (p. 75).

“The God of the Bible meets the needs of his beloved people, although not always on our time schedule” (p. 85).

“There are limits to how much the Internet can connect us with others, but a sense of community is surely one of its draws” (p. 114).

“. . . the church may be a divine institution, but it is also a human one . . .” (p. 117).

“When we act with generosity, our world expands; when we succumb to stinginess, our lives shrivel” (p. 125).

“In particular we have observed two things that get people in over their heads: square footage and number of wheels” (p. 139).

“Housing and transportation costs are the expenditures that put virtually everyone who struggles with money into the danger zone” (p. 140).

“Materialism and consumerism endanger us because they promise pleasure to the eye but can never satisfy the heart” (p. 149).

“When we let a longing for success drive our lives, we lose sight of the abundant life Jesus offers and become engrossed in the never-attainable images of perfection” (p. 180).

“Spending disposable income on experiences leads to increased happiness, while spending it on stuff does not” (p. 185).

“Living your calling means finding and following God’s unique purposes for you” (p. 194).

In Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus “is just saying that in the midst of our sensible planning, we don’t have to become slaves to anxiety. We don’t have to run because we are worried” (p. 226).

Even if you do not get the book, I hope these quotes give you some things to think about in your life and your relationship with money.

Feel free to leave a reply below and/or share these thoughts on Facebook.

photo credit: John Piekos <a href=”″>Click-boom: Alexander Hamilton Bankroll</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a&gt; <a href=””>(license)</a&gt;



2 thoughts on “YOUR RELATIONSHP WITH $$$$

  1. Sounds like an interesting book. I especially like the reference to square footage and wheels.

    I noticed a difference, though, between what’s printed below and what’s on your blog site.

    Below is: “. . . some way every last penny until their frugality sucks the joy from their life” (p. 75). …which doesn’t make sense.  Your blog site says “some put away…” FYI… I’ll head to Lubbock soon.  See you tomorrow at the gym around 11 am.  I’ll want to hear about your play on Wednesday, of course. Danny MizeAmarillo, Texas

    From: Pastor Bob Mink To: Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:29 PM Subject: [New post] YOUR RELATIONSHP WITH $$$$ #yiv6463503568 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv6463503568 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv6463503568 a.yiv6463503568primaryactionlink:link, #yiv6463503568 a.yiv6463503568primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv6463503568 a.yiv6463503568primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv6463503568 a.yiv6463503568primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv6463503568 | bobmmink posted: “In December I came across an offer to get the new book Your New Money Mindset: Create a Healthy Relationship with Money for $5. Since I am a lover of books, and that was a significant discount, I ordered it. Co-authored by Brad Hewitt and James Moline and” | |


  2. Bob, I found the quotes from pages 125 and 185 so revealing. It has been my experience that generosity is one of the most important elements of life. We can show God’s blessing through ourselves! What an honor. And more stuff does not compare to the joy of being around the ones we love and experiencing the wonders that surround us. (Although I do confess I love to plant flowers in my backyard , can never seem to get enough) Thanks again for an interesting read on an exceptionally sensitive subject.


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