This week marks one year since I loaded up my car, played golf the last time with three of my friends I had been playing with for years, and headed to Amarillo to join my wife who had left a week earlier. I had shed tears earlier in the morning when I left my son, but I was able to hold them off when I said good-by to my golfing partners until I got to the car and left the course.

My drive from Southern California to the Texas Panhandle was the longest and loneliest of my life. I checked into a Holiday Inn after 10 hours of driving, but it took a long time to finally go to sleep. The six hour drive the next day was a little easier, but my emotions were still up and down. The warm welcome from Jan, my daughter, our two grandsons, their dog, and our dog was comforting.

A year later I still miss a lot about Southern California. I miss our house and neighborhood of 32 years, I miss our many friends (especially those from Discovery Christian Church), I miss guest preaching (especially at New Day Christian Church and Westwood Hills Christian Church), I miss teaching at Hope International University and the wonderful people there, I miss the great variety of golf courses, and I miss In-N-Out Burger.

But we have adjusted and adapted to our new location and Amarillo is now our home. While I have made quite a few friends and enjoy our new house, we have not yet connected with people in our neighborhood. I regularly play golf with several guys—and year round even though it is often windy and is cold in the winter. I thoroughly enjoy my two part time jobs as the Bible teacher at Amarillo High School (dual credit with Amarillo College) and the Pastor to Senior Adults at Washington Avenue Christian Church. Jan and I both love our new church—the people and the staff. Not that there were not similar people in our previous places and churches, but we have met some wonderfully gracious and generous people in our new church and city.

The best and most fulfilling thing about our move last year is the opportunity and privilege to be near our daughter and fully engaged with our two grandsons. We enjoyed Christmas last year and both boys’ birthdays this year. On school days Jan picks up our three year from preschool and I pick up our second grader. A special bonus for me this past summer was being an assistant coach for our second grader’s baseball team.

Last year, the week before I left, my blog post was entitled A Bright Sadness. In that post I wrote “at this point I am hurting more thinking about what I am losing than what I am about to gain. Right now my bright sadness is sadder than it is bright. Soon, however, the brightness will outshine the sadness.” (You can read that post here https://bobmmink.com/2016/12/05/a-bright-sadness/)

One year later I am confident our move was the right decision. The brightness today does outshine the sadness of when we left California a year ago.

Please feel to leave a comment below (or email me at bobmmink@gmail.com) and/or share this post on Facebook or other social media.




8 thoughts on “A YEAR LATER

  1. I really enjoy reading about A Year Later. You are dearly miss by me & I know there are others that miss you as well. Best wishes to you, Jan & your family. Merry Christmas!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bob, I am certain it was a difficult decision to make. While I do certainly miss you ( and you teaching on Sundays ) I am happy for both you and Jan. I believe it is natural to miss people and places. It is how we know those relationships were worth having. You will eventually settle in, but I believe a part of you will always miss the people and places you called home. Best wishes!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Glad you and Jan are doing so well and I am sure your decision is greatly appreciated by your daughter and grandsons. We miss you but am truly happy for you and your happy… God always knows what is best even if we are struggling! God Bless you, Jan and your family! We will ALWAYS be grateful to you and Jan for bringing Rob AND Buddy into our lives…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bob, there is no doubt in my mind who encouraged you to move. It was GOD. You and Jan have so much more to encourage, teach and nuture others. ALL of these individuals that will cross both of your paths, will feel the blessing they have received.
    Your grandsons will be taught things that no other individuals can give them. I’m sure Audrey and Rob are great parents, but I feel it’s the unconditional love of a grandparent they will always remember.🤗😘

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  5. It did not take you long to be thought of as a respected teacher, minister and friend at WACC! You are making a difference here (but you will never get used to the Panhandle wind….)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bob. Glad you have adjusted to your new surroundings. We think of you often and want you to know you are missed. Jennifer and I are sure that you and Jan are where God wants you and we pray for your continued health and success. Scott Hoage


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